Sensors track and monitor conditions in lorries and containers roaming in the UK and abroad. Using standard SIM cards, MSPs, supplying tracking solutions to shipping and transport companies, run the risk of losing connectivity in some areas. MSPs are looking to eSIMs as an alternative solution for the following reasons:
The price of data varies when roaming between different countries and on different networks. Until now, the roaming tariff set, has had to be that of the most expensive country in which the SIMs needs to operate.
Eliminates Truck Rolls
The biggest benefit of eSIM is that it eliminates truck rolls for SIM swaps and avoids the downtime and hassle of swapping out SIMs at the end of a contract. With eSIMs, MSPs can switch to a better deal on a different network, without swapping out an estate of SIMs.
Multi-network and un-steered
eSIMs offer the best possible service in any location. The eSIM will always enable devices to connect to the best available cellular network and customers can also manually select networks.