Voice and data companies can improve ARPU by supplying new products to loyal customers. Research shows that SMEs prefer to buy from existing suppliers, they trust. Until there is sufficient demand to justify investment in support, billing and marketing, the supplier will often partner with a specialist on an introduction and commission basis. Moving from a dealer to a reseller model provides better control and improved margins, however there are billing challenges.
Billing can be especially problematic for IT companies that want to start reselling fixed, mobile and hosted telephony products. Alongside monthly service charges they will need to process monthly CDRs (Call Data Records), rating each call type and producing itemised bills and variable invoices. It can be difficult and risky to try and adapt existing in-house billing systems and purchasing and managing specialist billing software is not always feasible.
There are some good third-party billing products available, however the set-up fees, monthly standing charge and billing percentages mean the reseller often needs to take several orders before the margin covers the monthly cost of billing.