Jola Cloud Solutions' Blog

Want the latest iPhone?

Posted by Cherie Howlett on 11-Oct-2017 18:26:33

iPhone X

The iPhone X is coming soon with a price tag of around £999. The new model has an all-new 5.8-inch super retina screen, durable glass, wireless charging, Face ID, TrueDepth camera, A11 bionic chip and iOS 11.  It is widely anticipated and due to arrive in the UK in November.

Apple iPhone Upgrade Programme

As in the consumer world, the trend in small businesses is away from 24-month, handset and airtime contracts and towards buying your own phone and taking a monthly SIM-only deal. For users looking to trade in older iPhone models for the latest handset not wanting to spend £999 upfront, Apple has a solution.

The Apple iPhone Upgrade Programme. It’s a bit like an interest free loan for individuals. The cost of the iPhone and AppleCare Plus is spread over 24 months. At the end of the 24 months the user owns the phone. After 12 months, they have the option to upgrade so can have a new phone every year.

The latest iPhone will appeal to tech enthusiasts and switching is seamless with data stored in the cloud. Users then have a choice of SIM-only providers for their service. To provide more than one network, trusted providers turn to SIM-only wholesalers like Jola.

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Topics: Mobile

How do we control 4G data?

Posted by Cherie Howlett on 11-Oct-2017 18:12:36

This is the question we get asked the most. If you have customers wanting to use 4G data to connect devices to the internet, how is the usage controlled, particularly when customers go beyond the alliance in their bundle?

You may have companies with Wi-Fi devices in taxis, buses and coaches or customers providing a Wi-Fi network in guest houses and coffee shops. Trusted partners supplying the 4G SIM cards want to know how they can manage the data and therefore the costs to combat monthly bill shock.

Jola partners use Mobile Manager. It is a complete end-to-end management portal for estates of mobile SIMs. You can activate SIMs, monitor usage, set-up alerts and add bolt-ons or bar SIMs as required to prevent bill shock in most cases. It is one portal, where SIMs from multiple networks and fixed IP SIMs can be managed directly by partners and their end users as required.

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Topics: Mobile SIMs

Can I use 4G instead?

Posted by Cherie Howlett on 05-Oct-2017 14:05:26

SMEs in rural areas without access to fast fibre broadband are turning to 4G as an alternative. 4G is the fourth generation of mobile communication technology and the successor to 3G. 

3 ways to connect

You can connect devices using a 4G router, mobile broadband hotspot device or by tethering from a smartphone.


SIM-only contracts are available on 30 days, which is useful for temporary sites. 4G is fast allowing remote workers to easily access cloud-hosted applications. It is a portable solution which works anywhere with a good 4G signal in the UK. There is no need for a telephone line, broadband or a lengthy contract.

Things to note

There may be a limit set by some mobile providers on tethering. You need to keep an eye on usage as mobile data is not usually unlimited and out-of-bundle charges can be high. It is usually more expensive than fibre broadband, which is generally unlimited.

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Topics: Mobile SIMs

Good customer support, a given or a differentiator?

Posted by Cherie Howlett on 05-Oct-2017 09:57:19

When choosing a new supplier there are few things that are expected, good quality products, excellent pricing, great portals and good support. Most suppliers advertise these elements, however few single out customer service as a differentiator. Companies like Rackspace tend to be the exception rather than the rule, advertising fanatical support as an ethos.

Does a track record for great customer service influence your decision?

When you are looking for a new supplier do you ask for references or service statistics? The companies I spoke to at a recent channel event don’t. The feedback I gathered was that decisions had been made on price. This was to ensure the end user had their requirements met at the right price with enough margin for the reseller. Companies were prepared to accept lower levels of service for the products at the price point they needed, until they felt their business was no longer valued and other suppliers could offer a competitive alternative. Companies that had been burnt by poor service delivery in the past, were much more interested in support available.

Research from Forrester’s

A recent report by Forrester’s stated that 71% of companies felt that valuing their time was the most important thing a supplier can do to provide them with a good service. This seems to work in the channel, with companies demanding high-quality, self-service portals to manage quoting, ordering and provisioning of services directly. End users are often on the phone demanding answers and partners don’t want to wait for third party answers.

73% of companies said that voice was the most important communications channel with web self-service, web chat, social media and email closely behind. Many channel suppliers have support portals, videos and guides, which often can be re-branded for partners to send to their end users to manage changes themselves. Most have ticketing systems they respond to within SLA and some suppliers are using social media to communicate with customers.

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Topics: Jola Cloud Solutions Ltd

Ever thought about selling your telecoms base?

Posted by Andrew Dickinson on 27-Sep-2017 12:07:00

You may have built or acquired a base of telecoms or connectivity customers. This may not be a core part of your business and the cost of supporting and billing these customers may be on the increase. What do you do? You could invest in this part of your business or sell it.

Why sell?

  • You may simply want to raise some cash, either to expand the business in other areas or for personal reasons
  • You may not have reached critical mass. A lot of data resellers get into telecoms by accident and then realise the cost of billing and support is depressing margins. Companies with bigger bases can buy better and you risk losing customers when their contracts come up for renewal.
  • The trend in the cost of communications is down. For example, at the end of a three-year leased line contract you may be able to renew with the customer at the same percentage margin but your cash margin could be halved, whilst your cost to support this customer has remained the same, or increased.

What are the challenges if you do decide to sell?

  • You may be too small for a broker, who traditionally looks to sell larger businesses.
  • You may not know who else to approach.
  • You may have been approached by a competitor and are reluctant to put your core business at risk by selling to them
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Topics: Jola Cloud Solutions Ltd

Why are UK telcos and aggregators getting out of channel?

Posted by Andrew Dickinson on 27-Sep-2017 10:02:01

In the last year or so, several suppliers have been either overtly or covertly shutting down their wholesale partner divisions. Overtly by disbanding their wholesale sales teams or covertly by refusing to take on new partners and encouraging direct sales staff to compete with their channel partners.

Why are some companies dipping in and out of the channel?

New ownership

When a company is taken over or receives significant new investment, new management find it hard to see passed the headline numbers. The comment, “If I can make three times the margin direct, why would I sell wholesale?” is common and a knee-jerk reaction is to pull out of channel. Often when sales don’t increase and their true cost-of-sale is calculated, the company will try to re-engage with resellers.

Wrong approach

Selling through partners requires a particular set of skills and the proper alignment of the organisation. Suppliers that are not channel-only have to work particularly hard to build trust and differentiate themselves. A common error is to view the reseller as the customer, forgetting they have to sell and support the products and services with hundreds or thousands of end user businesses. Resellers need reliable infrastructure and a consistent and timely flow of information. Suppliers need to make themselves easy-to-do-business-with by developing self-service ordering, provisioning and management portals.

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Topics: Jola Cloud Solutions Ltd

Negotiation 101 – back to basics

Posted by Andrew Dickinson on 27-Sep-2017 09:31:58

Negotiation 101 – back to basics

I thought it might be useful to distil all the thousands of pages on negotiation available on the web, down to three important principles. Overarching all of these, is preparation. People who think they can walk into a negotiation and wing-it, relying on their wits and the benevolence of their opposite number, leave money on the table or undermine the chance of agreement altogether. 

Interest vs Position

The easiest way to explain this is by example. Reseller A goes into a negotiation with Supplier B. Reseller A’s position is that they want to buy product C for £10, which is below the £16 price they have been given by supplier B - £16 is the supplier’s position. The rookie negotiator immediately starts haggling over price whereas the veteran will always start with interests. The interest of the reseller is that they know what they need to sell for to win business at a reasonable margin. For this they need to buy at £10. The interest of the supplier is that they load extra features into product C that most of their competitors don’t offer – they can’t afford to sell much below £16. Do reseller A’s customers need supplier B’s extra features? If so, what could reseller A charge for them. If not, can supplier B offer reseller A, a stripped-down version of the product? Initial questions like “why is your target price £10?” and “what is included in your £16 price” are more productive than just throwing numbers around. Ask questions and avoid confrontation.

What is the balance of power?

This is important when you consider what happens if you cannot come to an agreement. Who suffers the most? What is your next best alternative and what is theirs. Take the example above, who has the power? You might think it is reseller A because they have many suppliers to choose from. What you won’t know, unless you ask questions and think through the answers, is that reseller A already buys most of their products from supplier B. The MD has been told by the CTO that the billing system cannot handle multiple CDRs and would need upgrading if they don’t buy product C from supplier B. Also at a certain level of spend reseller A gets a discount on everything they buy from supplier B. Supplier B would like reseller A’s business but the person they are negotiating with is a middle manager with no equity stake in supplier B and no sales target. To them it’s just a job and if they walk away from the deal there are no consequences. However, if they approve a deal below minimum margin they will be required to get permission and account for their decision. You must understand the balance of power before you start negotiating, so do your research and ask questions. Don’t be afraid to insist on negotiating with the decision maker.

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Topics: Jola Cloud Solutions Ltd

We don’t do mobile

Posted by Cherie Howlett on 25-Sep-2017 13:38:52

We are getting the emails about Mobile Manager, but we don’t do mobile as a rule, as it’s too competitive and too difficult to manage.

It’s too competitive

The mobile space is competitive. How can we compete? We don’t have the resource to manage handset queries, returns, upgrades etc. and don’t have a billing platform to manage overages.

Customers come to us with package requirements and price points we can’t buy at never mind sell for and we don’t have the resource to manage multiple suppliers.

Have you thought about going SIM-only?

Do your customers need to upgrade to the latest handsets? If you have customers working within the NHS, healthcare, charities etc. they are more likely to be focused on saving money than having the latest handset.

You may have low users, making very few calls and texts who hardly use their data package. Many business users want unlimited calls and texts but want to choose their data allowance to suit their requirement. There will be some customer types, financial services for example, where having the latest handsets and hardware funds is also attractive.

Partnering with companies such as Jola, gives you access to differentiated packages and competitive pricing. By partnering with one company you get access to the best deals from two networks, O2 and Vodafone, with EE in the pipeline. We create packages to suit every pocket and are unique in our ability to tailor packages with additional bolt-ons, available when required.

It’s too difficult to manage

Without a portal to pro-actively monitor usage, how do we protect customers from overages? We have had customers taking their devices abroad not realising how expensive it is to use their phone and download files in some countries.

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Topics: Mobile

How does your supplier manage incidents?

Posted by Cherie Howlett on 21-Sep-2017 13:10:32

There isn’t a single supplier in the UK voice and data industry that owns and operates 100% of the infrastructure on which their products and services depend. The emergence of the cloud has encouraged many centres of excellence to flourish and interconnect. This enables channel suppliers like Jola to knit best-of-breed suppliers together with software and service wraps to match the needs of our resellers and dealers. However, this approach brings with it unique challenges in support and incident management.

How quickly are you notified?

Should an incident occur, you need to know what the problem is and how long it will take to be fixed. You want to be on the front foot, pro-actively contacting your customers with detailed communications regarding the incident. If all suppliers in the chain do not have a well thought-through incident management process, a wave of dissatisfied end-user customers will quickly build, with the last reseller in the chain taking the brunt of the criticism. Organisations not used to dealing with the channel may not understand the imperative for fast, accurate information. Those that are not channel-only will often prioritise their direct customers over their channel partners.

How should it be done?

Ideally incidents are categorised by priority. We use the UTIL guidelines categorising incidents by impact and urgency, P1, P2 etc. Suppliers need to get the initial communication out to customers within the first 30 minutes (we aim for 15) explaining the issue. It is important to have clear communication between the engineers working on the problem and the support team managing calls and communications. Updates need to be at least hourly. Communication paths need to be established in advance between suppliers and departments for effective updates.

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Topics: Jola Cloud Solutions Ltd

How effective is your sales and marketing?

Posted by Cherie Howlett on 21-Sep-2017 10:21:33

Jola recently exhibited at Channel Live at the NEC. It was a great opportunity for IT and Telecoms providers to compare suppliers side-by-side. For Jola, the event was a success as we achieved the targets we set. How do you measure the effectiveness of your sales and marketing?

Do you use these measures?

Key marketing metrics are leads generated, conversion rates and spend against budget. Brand awareness, product and messaging recall and customer satisfaction indexes are also useful. For sales, it is revenue and margin against target across the portfolio, as well as growing active partners. Effective sales and marketing teams will regularly achieve targets set in line with the business plan.

What are the must-haves?

When partners ask us about setting up new sales and marketing campaigns for our products, we start by looking at objectives and targets to measure success against. As a starting point partners need the right products at the right price to support their customers and want appropriate self-service portals and white label services. They want a reliable supplier, who will work with them to fix problems and help their customers improve productivity and save money.


Next they need materials to help generate new leads, information to populate their web site and customer newsletters. They want detailed sales proposals, explaining key benefits with more in-depth technical information available on request.

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Topics: Jola Cloud Solutions Ltd

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