Jola Cloud Solutions' Blog

4G backup is increasing in popularity for critical fibre services

Posted by Cherie Howlett on 31-Jan-2018 13:02:13

Catastrophic failure often effects multiple services going into a building, so a fixed line back-up to a primary internet connection is not guaranteed to provide business continuity. Until now, the alternative, mobile data, has been slow and expensive with only dynamic IP options on offer. Customers have had to estimate the amount of data needed in the event of a primary failure and pay for it whether it is used or not.

With the introduction of 4G management portals for fixed IP SIMs and unique overage protection, 4G becomes a cost-effective alternative. Customers pay a small monthly fee for the back-up service and when the data fails-over, they pay for the additional usage, only for the period it was used.


Fixed IP Failover SIMs offer customers significant cost savings, due to the unique way they are managed. Data usage is monitored and additional data bolt-ons automatically added as required and removed again when the primary route is restored.

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Topics: Mobile SIMs, Mobile

Want to retain control?

Posted by Cherie Howlett on 25-Jan-2018 17:03:35

Resellers are established businesses and brands in their own right and want to partner with companies who respect this. They want to retain complete control over the customer experience, from first touch to final installation and they want to feel that their business is a priority.

They are essentially looking for suppliers who can provide completely white label materials, portals and processes, so they can display their own brand from the first quote to the final invoice.


Resellers looking to supply white label broadband and Ethernet look for an aggregated pricing tool showing multi-carrier services, multiple technologies, speed options and contract terms. They want to be on-site with their customer with a portal they can access and enter minimal information, to get detailed quotes in minutes.


Equally important is the quote building and ordering platform. One portal to show all pricing is useful and the ability to build multiple solutions in one quote. For example, a phone line, broadband, phone system, numbers, options and SIMs in one document.

Once the order is signed, resellers want regular updates to keep their customers in the loop. They want the ability to provision services and make changes for customers instantly. They want routers to be pre-configured, handsets to be plug and play and installations to go to plan. They want instant access to guides and materials as required.

Resellers selling SIMs want access to be able to minimise cost for their customers and maximise margins for their business. They need to be able to activate, suspend, set-up customer alerts and add bolt-ons themselves.

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Topics: Jola Cloud Solutions Ltd

Falling mobile data prices will reduce the cost of fibre broadband

Posted by Cherie Howlett on 24-Jan-2018 12:25:37

As mobile carriers compete to win market share, mobile data packages are likely to further reduce in price. This in turn could put pressure on BT and its rivals to reduce the cost of fibre broadband to compete with 4G. 5G is expected to roll out over the next five years offering superfast speeds and inexpensive data packages.

Falling Prices

A recent study by PwC reported that 43% of the world’s population cannot afford 500MB data packages and for the carriers to win more market share, prices will have to fall. We are seeing this already in the UK residential market, with one of the mobile carriers dramatically reducing the prices of their heavy user packages.

Price down.jpg

Need to compete

We know many small businesses buy residential products for business purposes, so companies targeting SMEs will need to offer comparative pricing and added-value to compete.

4G as a viable alternative

BT faces mounting pressure from regulators, rivals and customers to cut the price of fibre broadband services and increase their coverage. 4G is already widely available, offering business customers an alternative to fibre today.

The problem with 4G is that it is not unlimited, and customers are often charged extortionate amounts for going over their monthly allowance.

First movers have solved these problems by integrating cost-effective data SIMs into business-grade routers, adding monitoring and control. 4G now presents a real threat to BT and its rivals as it emerges as a substitute for fibre.

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Topics: Mobile

Jola guarantees no bill shock with JolaNet 4G

Posted by Cherie Howlett on 18-Jan-2018 10:34:45

Increased demand

According to the 2016 Cisco Mobile Visual Networking Index, mobile data consumption is to grow sevenfold by 2021. By the end of the forecast period, mobile data is projected to account for 20% of total internet traffic, up from just 8% in 2016. Business 4G consumption is rising at a similar rate, with companies turning to 4G for reliable internet connectivity where fast, fibre broadband is not available and for a range of connected devices.

The problem

High out-of-bundle rates and delayed usage information from the networks can make costs unpredictable.

The solution

JolaNet 4G is a managed 4G router with an integrated data SIM on either Vodafone or O2 networks. Fixed IP SIMs are also available. The solution is managed by Jola’s Mobile Manager portal, where partners have complete control to view real-time data usage, set-up alerts, apply SIM-swaps, add bolt-ons and bar SIMs. Using Mobile Manager, they can maximise margins and completely eliminate overage charges.

With JolaNet 4G, resellers send a pre-configured router to their customers, which works out-of-the-box, doesn’t need cabling or a land-line and can be monitored in real-time.

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Topics: Mobile

Looking for new suppliers?

Posted by Cherie Howlett on 11-Jan-2018 11:49:17

New suppliers

Increased competition and new technologies are driving down the cost of internet connectivity and fuelling demand for faster, more reliable services.  As companies come out of contract for both internet connectivity and telephony, they are looking for a better deal. As more of your own customers ask you for advice on the best alternatives, you may be considering supplying these services yourself. What’s putting you off?

Trusting a new supplier

To provide new voice and data services, you may need to work with a new supplier and may be worried about making the wrong choice. What if this company lets you down, causes you to lose a valued customer or worse still, takes the customer as their own?


Questions to ask

There are so many things to ask about when selecting a new partner. What products do they offer? Is their pricing competitive? Can I make my margins and still win the business? How responsive are they? Will they value my business and help me to win new business? How much control will they give me to manage my customers and how easy are they to do business with?

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Topics: Jola Cloud Solutions Ltd

New Year’s Resolutions

Posted by Cherie Howlett on 11-Jan-2018 10:45:31

I heard on the radio that yesterday was the day most people gave up on their new year’s resolutions? Did you make any? Are you sticking to them? What resolutions did you make for your business?

Looking back

In January, we tend to look back over the last 12 months and analyse our performance before making plans for the future. What will your business look like in 12 months, 3 years or even 5 years’ time? What do you need to do to get you there? Will you need more staff? New premises? New revenue streams?

Looking forwards

Jola is a wholesale supplier of voice and data solutions servicing SMEs via a channel of IT and Telecommunications partners. One of our resolutions is to help our partners capitalise from the rising demand for 4G data from SMEs.

According to a recent report by Ofcom, 90% of all UK premises (almost 26 million) can access up to 24Mb/s fixed line broadband, however there are at least 190,000 premises that can’t get 2Mb/s and 2.2 million premises that can’t get 10Mb/s. Where the LTE signal is strong, 4G data is a great solution.

In addition to laptops, mobiles and tablets it is predicted that 28 billion other smart devices will be connected globally over the next three years with the worldwide market for IoT solutions worth £5.6 trillion.



For companies looking to use 4G from remote or temporary sites or within IoT devices, the first challenge they face is how to manage their data usage.

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Topics: Mobile

Jola works with Amvia to provide innovative 4G solutions

Posted by Cherie Howlett on 05-Dec-2017 15:00:23

The Jola partner

Amvia is one of Jola’s voice, data and cloud application partners, based in Sheffield. Amvia was founded by experienced telecoms professionals, with a vision to provide customer-centric solutions. The company supplies services to a range of prestigious companies including Oracle, SodaStream, CIMB investment bank and JHS Logistics.

Amvia’s customer

JHS Logistics is a logistics and international haulage company based in Hampshire, close to the Fawley Power Station on the western side of Southampton Water. ADSL speeds are very slow in the area. Leased circuits are not cost-effective, due to excess construction charges, however 4G is available.

The Solution

Amvia, supported by Jola, worked with JHS to provide a 4G/Draytek LTE service that has allowed JHS to work effectively from the site, running both voice and remote/hosted application services over a 4G internet connection. JHS are delighted with the service, which was up and running in only three working days.

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Topics: Mobile SIMs

Why partner with Jola for internet connectivity?

Posted by Cherie Howlett on 29-Nov-2017 13:19:48

We have the widest range of fixed line and mobile services at the best prices.

Jola is connected via APIs to every major UK Ethernet network and a selection of the best Ethernet ‘unbundlers’. The process for quoting and ordering is automated and partners have access to all of the following services, so are well placed to find the best solution for their customer, wherever they are located in the UK.

Fixed line connectivity

FTTC broadband is reliable and offers up to 80Mb/s download speeds. All our Ethernet services are uncontended and symmetrical (upstream speeds are the same as downstream). EFM (Ethernet First Mile) offers speeds up to 35Mb/s, depending on how far the customer is from the exchange. Ethernet over Fibre To The Cabinet (EoFTTC) offers speeds up to 20Mb/s and fibre Ethernet leased lines offer speeds of up to 10Gb/s.


In areas where fixed line internet is not available, or for short term contracts, 4G up to 50Mb/s may be an option. Jola offers up to 200GB monthly data packages, which can be monitored within devices and additional data bolt-ons added to avoid high overage charges.

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Topics: Internet

Could a co-branded ordering portal, help to win more business?

Posted by Cherie Howlett on 23-Nov-2017 10:36:07

Jola runs a dealer programme for IT and telecommunications companies, looking for a reliable supplier of internet connectivity, hosted telephony and mobile data solutions. The dealer brings us new opportunities from their customer base and are rewarded with a 50% margin share. They do not have to request their commission, as it is automatically paid on a monthly basis.

Key Challenges

Where the dealer is a trusted advisor to their customers, they will be consulted before the customer upgrades their phone system or makes a change to their IT network.

Reputation is everything, so they want to be recommending the best solution at the very best pricing. They want the latest product knowledge and access to current pricing and an on-site availability check. They want a trusted partner they can introduce with confidence, who won’t compete with them.

Dealers want to be able to send over a professional proposal quickly, without having to wait on third parties.

Making it easy

We supply best of breed solutions supported via lifetime training for the whole team, comprising of on-site training and webinars. We help dealers to add new products and services to their portfolio and go out with dealers to customers with an existing requirement for our services.

Jola developed a single portal for dealers to create co-branded proposals their customers can click to view, edit and accept within minutes. They can quote solutions which include internet connectivity, hosted voice seats, options such as call recording, hardware and mobile SIM packages. The dealer can store customer and site data within the system to save them re-keying information at a later date.

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Topics: Jola Cloud Solutions Ltd

The Jola Partner Guide to Social Media

Posted by Cherie Howlett on 23-Nov-2017 10:13:49

We often get asked about how to use social media effectively by our partners, so I put together a short guide to social media, based on our own experience.

Before you start

Answer the following questions:

  • What are you trying to achieve?
  • How are you planning to achieve this?
  • How will this engage your audience?
  • How can you measure this?


  • Don’t just share an opinion
  • Demonstrate you are qualified to comment on the subject
  • Share research that backs up your message

Drafting the copy

Before typing out your post, answer the following questions:

  • Who are you talking to?
  • What are the key messages you want the readers to take away?
  • How are you formatting your article? (Consider sub-headers to structure your article and bullet points to highlight key points)
  • What’s your call to action? (Where do readers go, if they want to learn more?)


  • Use a good title to draw your audience in, with an image that reflects the topic
  • Write in a clear and concise manner (attention spans are short online)
  • Share success stories and tips your audience can use

Posting the copy

It is tempting to post all copy to all platforms, but the overall objective is to get the right message to the right audience at the right time. Take some time to think about which platform your audience favours. In the voice and data channel LinkedIn is very popular. End user businesses favour Facebook as they encourage their customers to like and share their page. I don’t think anyone really uses Google+ but I only have my own research to back this up.

Before posting your copy, answer the following questions: 

  • Where should you post it? (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc.)
  • When should you post it? (Daytime, nightime)
  • How will you post it? (Via individual platforms/using social media management software)
  • Who is going to monitor response rates and answer comments?
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Topics: Jola Cloud Solutions Ltd

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