Jola Cloud Solutions' Blog

Why are solvent and chemical suppliers turning to hosted voice?

Posted by Cherie Howlett on 13-Feb-2015 13:29:00

Over the last 30 years solvent and chemical suppliers have been growing and evolving and now distribute a wide range of products which require them to forward information in the form of MSDS and up to date data regarding REACH. They have become a one-stop shop from manufacturing and distribution to waste management and are heavily involved in the supply chain to ensure high quality standards.


With such a wide range of services managed from a single site communication is key and the rising cost of telephony has become an issue. By moving to a hosted voice solution solvent and chemical suppliers are able to replace their existing ISDN lines, phone systems and phone bill and pay monthly per extension via a Broadsoft platform -  the #1 hosted telephony solution in the world. Phone bills have reduced by 50% and phone calls easily managed and reported on for quality purposes.

If you have growing solvent and chemical suppliers in your customer base looking to replace their phone system and cut their phone bills partner with Jola and we will work with you to help your customers upgrade.

To find out more download our guide.

Request the New Revenue Generator Guide


Topics: Hosted telephony

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