When working on a deal, answering queries quickly can make a big difference to the outcome. Partners want information at their fingertips to ensure their customers have the detail they need to decide on a solution. How do you access this information?
Via Account Managers
In the channel, we tend to use Account Managers and portals. Each partner is given a dedicated Account Manager who can be contacted by phone or email during business hours. By picking up the phone or forwarding a query from a customer, they can usually get the answer they need quite quickly.
Via Portals
There are partners who prefer self-service. These partners use portals and look for answers to sales or support queries whilst on the phone to their customers.
Via Quoting Tools
Some portals go a step further and build branded sales proposals, inserting key product information as the quote builds. Partners can edit these proposals before sending to end users, who can also amend and accept terms and conditions to place the order.
Popular requests
The most popular documentation requests are for feature and benefit descriptions and comparison documents for both supplier services and their competitors. Partners want to be armed with all the USPs to meet customer requirements, solve problems and beat any competitive bids.