There are over £6 million lone workers in the UK. Lone workers are employees who conduct tasks without the supervision of colleagues. Employers usually provide lone workers with a basic mobile phone to make calls. Typically, they bought from the networks, but with the availability of low-cost phones and the flexibility of 30-day SIM-only contracts, employers have started shopping around.
Channel partners are providing SIM cards to employers with lone workers such as mobile vets, healthcare workers, postal staff, social workers, drivers, estate agents, construction workers and agricultural workers.
The opportunity
Lone workers typically need a cost-effective voice and data SIM, they can use in an emergency. Employers want the best deal they can find.
The solution
For this type of solution, many channel partners use Jola, as they have very cost-effective SIM packages on 30 day contracts.
The next opportunity
To stay safe, lone workers are increasingly equipped with GPS location devices, with alert buttons and/or smartphone apps, enabling them to raise an alarm if they run into trouble. Some lone workers are being provided with body cameras, to capture conflicts, similar to dash camera technology.