Jola Cloud Solutions' Blog

Jola is the first to launch QR codes to the channel

Posted by Cherie Howlett on 01-May-2024 15:06:11

Imagine you have an order for thousands of SIMs for handsets destined for multiple locations around the world. You would usually need to send the right SIM card to the right device in the right location, and activate it, which can be an operational challenge under tight deadlines. Jola now has a new solution where partners are issued a single QR code in Mobile Manager instead. This is supplied to their customer for every device to scan, slashing operational costs and helping to reduce carbon footprints.

Mobile Manager was the first, white-label management portal designed to meet the specific needs of the channel. It allows resellers to order and manage SIMs from multiple suppliers, eliminate data overage charges and support their customers in real-time.

In eight years we have added products and functionality to the portal regularly so we can meet any requirement in any market for mobile data, globally. We have over 1400 partners using the portal regularly who tell us Mobile Manager meets their needs for:

  • Choice – you can buy what you need on any network in a single portal
  • Control – you can view and manage your data usage in real-time
  • Automation - you retain complete control over your customer experience
  • White-label – you can remove every trace of the Jola brand

What’s new?

We have rolled out 12 software updates in 12 months and the latest additions are RoamNet and RoamNet Voice. SIM cards with a UK phone number roaming over multiple UK mobile networks and hundreds globally using the Wireless Logic global network. Devices can be activated via a single QR code.

Headshot Adrian (Jola R)

Adrian Sunderland, Jola’s CEO commented, “QR codes are a simple solution to a complex problem faced by many of our partners. Adding QR codes to Mobile Manager was the next logical step for us to help reduce operational costs and headaches for our partners. The feedback has been fantastic. Partners can feel confident their end-users will be connected exactly when they need to be, wherever they are.”

Jola is an award-winning, supplier of business communications, specialising in mobile data SIMs. Jola sells wholesale to MSPs, ISPs, IT Support companies and Telecommunications Resellers. These channel partners supply solutions to transport and logistics companies worldwide. To learn more about Jola and our vision to continually improve customer experience through innovation, request our Partner Pack. 

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Topics: mobile data

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