Jola Cloud Solutions' Blog

How important is culture to an organisation?

Posted by Cherie Howlett on 04-Sep-2024 13:10:48

Cultural standing  

We assess the strength of our cultural standing against our core values. These are not advertised on our company walls they are ingrained in our behaviour. We put our partners first. We track how quickly calls are answered, how fast tickets are resolved and how happy our partners are with our service. The best measure of our cultural standing is the longevity of our staff.

Cultural priorities

We are accountable. We do what we say we are going to do. This is important as our partners trust us to respond quickly so they can get back to their customers. This impacts day-to-day behaviours as we honour our commitments and if we can’t, we let people know before the deadline and renegotiate so we don’t let each other or our partners down.

Cultural focus 

Right now we are focussed on the growth plan for financial year 24/25. To achieve the high targets we have set for ourselves, we need to recruit additional resources in sales, marketing and support. We will be recruiting against our values to find innovative, ambitious individuals, who will help partners to find, win and roll out unique solutions.

Cultural competitive advantage

We offer a unique environment to learn new skills, develop careers, and build a successful company. We offer competitive packages and the opportunity to be first to market with innovative solutions. The work is rewarding and the rewards are incentivising.


Living by our values

Our culture is driven and demonstrated by the founders of our business. It’s how we behave and how our team behaves. We share our success in company meetings, reward success in our appraisals and reflect on how we can improve our success. Culture is something that is learnt. You can see it in action in a company. It’s how things are done and how you get things done. It does not require a big budget.

About Jola

Jola is an award-winning, channel-only supplier of business communications specialising in mobile data SIMs. We are a global eSIM MVNO, providing innovative IoT and mobile data solutions to MSPs, ISPs, IT support companies and telecommunications resellers.

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