Data analytics and cloud computing, two of the hottest IT trends of the moment, are combining to fuel growth in the cloud analytics market, new figures have suggested.
What is cloud analytics?
It is software used to analyse data stored in the cloud. Software such as Salesforce already has reporting functionality but for marketing professionals with multiple portals such as Google Analytics, Twitter, LinkedIn, WordPress etc. it becomes increasingly difficult to analyse all of your company data stored in the cloud. Software such as Optify, InfusionSoft and Act-On provide the ability to pull all of this data together and allow you to analyse and manage results in one place.
According to a report entitled 'Global Cloud Analytics Market 2015-2019' by, the market is expected to post a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 26.29 per cent over the next four years.
With more and more businesses turning to pay-by-the month software to avoid the capex expenditure of buying and supporting their own software and hardware and the growth in online retail sales business owners are looking for a way to analyse all of their data now stored in the cloud to help them manage their business.
This growth in cloud software has only been possible due to the availability of cost-effective and reliable connectivity. Jola has access to all the major carrier solutions and can advise on what connectivity solutions are available to you and which one is the most cost effective.
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