Are your customers ready for the cloud?
According to the Cloud Industry Forum (CIF) 86 percent of UK-based organisations may now be using two or more cloud services for accountancy, customer relationship management or document management and storage. 50 percent of organisations questioned are expected to move to cloud applications in the next few years.
A reliable internet connection is essential for businesses wanting to access cloud applications. With so many internet connectivity products and suppliers in the market, SMEs and their suppliers are finding it difficult and confusing. This is why some business IT and Telecoms providers are partnering with companies like Jola.
Jola dealers and resellers have access to online tools that automate the entire sales and provisioning process. With software hooks into all primary and secondary internet carriers Jola can sort through millions of postcodes and hundreds of alternatives in minutes, highlighting available speeds, products and pricing. Quotes can be built online to include some cloud applications such as hosted telephony and ordered with a single click. Dealers are able to send co-branded proposals and quotations to their customers who also have the option to amend and order online. To find out more...