Jola Cloud Solutions' Blog

Adrian Sunderland

Adrian founded Griffin Information Systems in 1992 and has held multiple roles including Chief Technical Officer and Managing Director of Allurian (the development arm of the business) until 2012 when the company was sold. Adrian started Griffin as a software house and the business evolved into a regional system integrator, the UK’s first Internet service provider and an award-winning channel Internet service provider with over 100 employees. Adrian is one of the leading technical experts and visionaries in the communications industry. Apart from regular columns in industry publications he has addressed many industry conferences and events. Adrian designed and built Griffin’s first IP network and has been responsible for numerous technology refreshes and upgrades.
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Recent Posts

FTTC broadband for business

Posted by Adrian Sunderland on 02-Jun-2015 13:56:00

What is FTTC?

It stands for fibre to the cabinet and it is fibre-optic broadband which offers faster Internet connectivity. Businesses looking to use their Internet connection for more than checking email and using Google may benefit from faster more reliable fibre-optic services.

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Topics: Broadband

Demand for faster, more reliable connectivity increases

Posted by Adrian Sunderland on 12-May-2015 09:33:00

In the SME sector we are seeing unprecedented demand for faster, more reliable connectivity.

My colleagues and I have spent a lot of time recently talking and writing about Ethernet, the challenges and opportunities. It is absolutely true that SMEs’ appetite for more and better quality bandwidth is insatiable. It stands to reason that when an organisation starts to consume more and more mission-critical services from the cloud that they will be more receptive to spending more on connecting to the cloud.

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Topics: Connectivity

FTTC Ethernet Connectivity

Posted by Adrian Sunderland on 12-May-2015 08:55:00

Demand for faster, more reliable internet connectivity is on the increase in the SME market but even the most competitive leased line prices fall outside the reach of some. This is changing with the availability of FTTC Ethernet.

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Topics: Connectivity

Is slow broadband holding your business back?

Posted by Adrian Sunderland on 08-Oct-2014 15:24:00

BT or not BT, that is the question

I regularly speak with small and medium sized businesses about their Internet access.

Very often they’ve found our website or been recommended to us because their business is being held back by poor performance or poor reliability of their broadband.  Low bandwidth, high latency and packet loss can cause many applications such as voice over IP (VOIP) and video conferencing to be unusable. 

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Topics: Broadband

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