Jola Cloud Solutions' Blog

Are you getting the best mobile deal for your business?

Posted by Cherie Howlett on 03-Nov-2014 12:38:45

Latest handsets making the news

According to a recent article written by the BBC there are over 83 million mobile contracts in the UK which is more than our population. Two thirds of these contracts are for smart phones. Manufacturers launching the latest handset is being reported on the international news with record breaking first day sales and queues around the block, but do all your staff need the latest mobile handset?

Mobile phone

Long-term contracts

The mobile phone companies are into the habit of selling us the latest handsets on long-term contracts, bundling the cost of a new handset with the cost of our calls and data usage.

Is this the most cost-effective way of serving SMEs?

Many leading technology and money-saving experts say no for the following reasons:

  1. The phones still work and we don't need the latest handsets for all staff.
  2. Many staff already have the latest handsets on their own personal contracts.
  3. With leavers and new starters all of my business mobile contract renewal dates are all different making it time consuming for me to manage each renewal and expensive to switch to a cheaper supplier.

What's the alternative?

Go SIM only.

  1. You are not paying for the latest handdsets monthly so your monthly bill is reduced. 
  2. Staff can choose to use their own handsets if they are unlocked.
  3. You can choose a 30 day rolling contract so if someone leaves you can give one month's notice when they hand in their notice so you don't end up paying for a phone you no longer need.

Jola is an exceptional communications provider to UK SMEs. We currently have the best Vodafone SIM-only deal for business at only £24 a month on a 30 day rolling contract.


Click to find out more



Topics: Mobile

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